2 min readNov 22, 2020


Pandemics after the covid-19 pandemic

Since the beginning of social isolation, we have seen that everyone’s routine has changed, be it in the economy, people’s physical and mental health, but the world after the pandemic will be the same? This is the question that is more being asked today all over the world. Will we continue to use masks, taking care that even after in times of pandemic, there are improvements in health and also in basic education related to care? In some parts, the world will change, but other aspects will not.

The first change that can be seen in the pandemic is in the economy. Many people lost their jobs and go through daily needs, beyond the difficulty in finding a job, since many stores were closed. After the pandemic, this will be no different, because it can take years for the economy to rebuild, leading many people to poverty.

Another change is physical and mental health. Many people during the pandemic respected social isolation and stayed at home. However, they stopped practicing physical exercises, beyond to a balanced diet, generating problems in the future such as obesity, lack of vitamin D for not getting sun or anemia. In addition, this can be related to mental health, because many have problems with anxiety disorders or diseases such as depression, therefore being harmful to health.

In addition, some researchers have said in interviews that masks will still be necessary even after vaccination. But the question is, why? The answer is that the vaccine protects against disease, but not against infection. So, even if you have been vaccinated, there is a possibility of having the coronavirus in your body, so you can pass it on to someone who has not yet been vaccinated. Producing more than 7 billion covid-19 vaccines for everyone can take years, so you must empathize with others until everyone is 100%.

The last aspect that can mention here and there are doubts it’s whether or not there will be changes in the love to next. It was seen that the empathy for others at the time of the pandemic was huge, where many cared of each other. However, it was seen that other people did not give so much importance to this pandemic, where many said that it was just a little flu and especially belittling science. In the future, this may not change, as this is in accordance with the human being and his character. Each person has free will, so he decides if he wants to think only of himself or not, if he wants to be selfish or not. This theme is something that we don’t have statistical forecasts and we can only hope for the future to come.

